
The content of the website is based on the researches and mostly gathered from self experience of years of Shri Adiraj Maharshi. Shri Adi Raj Maharshi & Adiraj Brahmand do not accept any responsibility or liability for the accuracy content completeness legality or reliability of the information contained in the website is made so only for educational information, spiritual and healing purpose and is not created with an intent to her in your person body of persons association company or anyone, anyone who wishes to apply the ideas contained in the website takes full responsibility for it also it is done on there on risk and consequences. This website is not intended to spread rumor's offend, or hurt the sentiments of any religion community for individuals or to bring this repute to any person (leaving or dead). Shri Adiraj Maharshi and Adiraj Brahmand do not take responsibility for any direct, in direct, implied, punitive, special or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly on the account of any actions taken based on the website. We are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that may arise from using our services, courses, or visiting our website. All decisions made by users based on the content of our website are made at their own risk. Shri Adiraj Maharshi and Adiraj Brahmand disclaim any kind of claim of libel, slender or any other kind of claim or suit of any sort.